Intimations 19th February 2023

Monday 20th 10.30am Bite n’ Blether Ednam Village Hall - All Welcome

Monday 20th 7.30pm Bible Study

Wednesday 22nd at 10am Umbrella Group for the KCT Umbrella Group for Befriending, Cafe and Teaching English as a foreign language, at the Manse

Friday 4.30pm Visions for Mission Group Meet at 4.30pm in the vestry

Looking ahead, we have our Quiz Night on Friday 3rd March. This is at the Cross Keys and will be in aid of Hope and Homes for Children. Kate Fish will be in the chair as Quiz Master, so come along for a brilliant night. Teams of four so come in a team or come on the night and we will make up teams

The Meeting of all the trustees planed for this Wednesday [that is Board and Session] has been postponed to the 8th of March, so it will be the Board only that meets this week at 7pm

The trustees will meet now, on the 8th March at the next Session Meeting

The proposed Steeple work has had to be postponed due to the weather and will now take place from the 28th of Feb -3rd March, we are really sorry for the inconvenience caused

Lastly, the meeting of the two Sessions, Kelso Country Churches and Kelso North and Ednam, will take place on the 1st of March as planned, 7pm in the Vestibule


World Day of Prayer


Intimations 5th February